ITHAX Numbers

ITHAX Global Telephone Number Allocation

ITHAX Number is a local/international number respective to the user’s location, that can receive incoming calls.

ITHAX Numbers are registered in each country and may be pointed to the ITHAX Cloud PBX, simple ITHAX Extension or any number fixed, mobile or satellite globally.

ITHAX Numbers are ideal for corporate use, where multiple local and/or international numbers may be purchased and directed towards the company’s ITHAX Cloud PBX, so that all points of presence are served.

ITHAX Numbers may also be used by individuals where one can acquire an ITHAX Number in the country of residence, quickly and easily and most importantly at a very low cost compared to local PTTs. Then we can have the number ring on any of the user’s devices, mobile phone, land line, PC/Laptop etc.

ITHAX Numbers come in various pricing setups which usually include any of the following characteristics:

  1. Purchase and setup one-off fee
  2. Monthly recurring fee
  3. Free inbound calls but limited simultaneous calls
  4. Unlimited simultaneous inbound calls but with a minor per-minute cost.
  5. Most of the ITHAX Numbers in categories above may be upgraded or downgraded at will on a monthly basis.
  6. All numbers are registered in the country of origin.

ITHAX offers mobile, toll-free, and land-line numbers from all over the world, with various costs. Get yours now!

Please contact us for your specific request, for a free consultation on the best solution for your needs.